Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Watching all the groups show their interviews was somehwat of a culture shock. It made me realize that everything I had expected when I thought of a certain group of people feelings into consideration. Not only did my group provide a valid description of our chosen profiling, but i was very impressed with my classmates efforts. I was shocked when the "guido looking" boy did not fit that criteria i had anticipated. I had not taken other peoples feelings into consideration when judging them on their social choices and appearancesas caring and did not seem as self-centered and self-absorbed as the outsider and myself expected. The homeless people were just as shocking for they had no problem letting strangers into their lives and telling their stories. Granted, they may have been falsified, and they may have followed with a begging for money, but still people are more willing than imagined. The Average party girl however, scared me. Although we went into this project with the thought of getting a lot of good laughs, we were a little stunned to see how much her lifestyle has affected her and will affect her in the long run. She said she smokes before class, steals from houses, gets intimate with random men, that can't possibly be the safest way for a young girl to live her college life. Without knowing anything about these people, and basing my judgements on the image I percieved have made me realize that people aren't all their cracked up to be. Meaning people are not what we assume, because when assuming, the answers aren't always the ones we set out looking for.

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