Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today in class, i came feeling prepared that I had answered the questions and taken pictures of what i thought were heterotopic spaces. When the discussion started I felt a better place for my eyes were to look down and not make eye contact with Hana for I did not have much to say about the heterotopic spaces discussed in the article. It was simple to find examples that had little common interest and capture them in photos to upload on my flickr. It was not easy, however, to explain why they fulfilled the criteria we were looking for. As class carried on, and my classmates gave new examples and reasons they saw certain herotopic regions and in what way, my mind started to wander. I was not exactly interested in the overalll meaning for I felt i had completed the project. Hana then informed us that this "heterotopic spaces" theory would be part of our homework for the next week. Not only was this haunting me, but the pictures of the cemetaries seemed to fit this disfunctional mode i had now created for myself. When we began the experimentation of working with partners and easing each other around the classroom and library, ideas started to form. A heterotopic area may not be as black and white as i would have preffered, but a wiff of the idea of its use started to form. It is one place that can be layered or defined in several different places. For a mirror captures an image for the second it is bestoyed in the reflection. Such heterotopias can change function, they are always opening and closing, which indefinitely isolates it. I know reading the perspective reading on this topic may inform me more about what is being discussed, but i think concentrating on the reading for this week and the long one for the week after are among my higher priorities. :)

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